dog ears
Doggy Ears 101 – Part 3: I Never Want to Have to Deal With This Again!
So, having absorbed all the tips of the previous post, you are now a masterful ear cleaner. Your dog gives deep groans of satisfaction when you massage his ear and scratch that deep-down itch, and turns his head so far leaning into it that he is imminently going to do a head-stand. Really, if he … Read more
Doggy Ears 101 – Part 2: Now What Do I Do?
In our last installment, we brought up the issue of being up at the cottage, with the dog’s irritated ears threatening the poor creature’s sanity, and the nearest vet 3 hours away… Fear not, all is not lost: there is something that you can do! EAR CLEANING IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. Do yourself a favour … Read more
Doggy Ears 101 – Part 1: Know the Ear
Welcome to Cottage Season! Where dogs spend the day in the lake, and their ears turn into a cesspool. Where pollen and mould allergies make ear openings glow like a Chernobyl Meltdown. And you are three hours away from your regular vet… what to do? First, let’s get a little understanding of ear infections: What … Read more