Wellness Plans

We all want to do what is best for our pet.

But sometimes the price tag for “best care” seems a little out of reach…


A Wellness Plan is a way to make Best Care affordable.

What do we mean by Best Care?

Information: As veterinarians, we want to have as much information as possible, in order to monitor your pet’s health and make informed decision about their care. This means:

  • Regular exams, yearly for young adults and every six months for seniors
  • Blood profiles for insight into organ function (liver enzymes, kidney wastes, blood sugar and blood proteins among other parameters) and into blood cell counts
  • Urine analysis to monitor for early signs of kidney dysfunction, diabetes, urinary infections and urinary crystals/stones
  • Parasite testing to identify unwanted hitch-hikers in the blood and stools.

Vaccination: The diseases we vaccinate for are either viral, which means they can not be directly treated (we do not have medications to kill these viruses), or bacterial, causing significant damage before you even recognize the pet is sick (Leptospirosis) or causing persistent drawn-out illness (Bordetella). We would like to see all the pets of our community being protected against these diseases!

  • Spay/neuter: These procedures are not just about preventing the birth of unwanted litters, when our shelters are already struggling to find homes for all the cats and dogs in their care. These procedures have direct benefit to your pet’s health:
    • Lifespan
      • Cats – fixed kitties live 62% longer for males, and 39% longer for females, than their unfixed counterparts.
      • Dogs – fixed dogs live 18% longer for males, and 23% longer for females, than their unfixed counterparts
    • Diseases
      • Breast cancer – the rate of breast cancer in unsprayed female dogs when they reach middle age is 26% – that is ONE IN FOUR dogs!
      • Pyometra – this is a uterine infection where the uterus fills up with pus – it is sadly common in unspayed female dogs, has a high fatality rate, and requires expensive and risky surgery!
      • Prostate disease in common in unneutered male dogs in middle age or older
      • Tumours by the anus are common in unneutered male dogs – the tissues that grow into these tumours are sensitive to testosterone.
  • Dental care – COHAT (Complete Oral Health Assessment and Treatment):
    Periodontal disease is not just about stinky breath, and not even just about tooth pain and tooth loss. It is a source of infection that the immune system is constantly having to fight; and a source of bacteria that can seed to other tissues such as the heart valves, the lungs, and the “fliter organs” ie liver and kidneys. Proper dental treatment, including getting down into the pockets around the teeth under general anaesthesia, can reduce or remove this burden, and prevent secondary diseases.

So, how does a Wellness Plan fit into this?

wellness-plans-1A Wellness Plan means bundling services into a package, and dividing that into 12 monthly payments.

Juvenile: A package for a puppy or kitten would include their series of vaccinations, 2 stool tests, and a blood profile to assess if they are OK for anaesthetic for their spay or neuter. If you choose, the package could also include their spay or neuter procedure.

Adult: a package for an adult would include their yearly exam and whatever vaccinations were needed that year; a blood profile; a blood parasite test; a fecal parasite test; and a urinalysis. It may also include a COHAT (dental assessment/treatment) if appropriate for your pet.

Senior: a package for a senior would include their yearly exam and whatever vaccinations were needed that year, and their 6 month recheck; a blood profile including a thyroid screen; a blood parasite test; a fecal parasite test; and a urinalysis. It may also include a COHAT (dental assessment/treatment) if appropriate for your pet.

Spreading payment for the services out over 12 months makes optimum care more affordable.

And a bonus for Wellness Plan subscribers is complimentary examinations/consulations for the duration of the Plan.

If you have a concern about your pet’s health, we would rather be addressing it sooner rather than later!

Other charges may apply, such as if we order additional lab tests, or prescribe medications, or perform a procedure (like for example sewing up a cut); but the professional time is not charged.

Our goal is for your pet to spend a long and healthy life with you – a Wellness Plan makes this more manageable!