Mystery Norman and the Vetmobile Powder Remington Robbi with Doggles On Rocky Roxy Rufus Loves the Stethoscope Ryker Tag demonstrates Downward Dog Teddy with Doggles On Cali Cozmo Daisy Dolly Finnegan Kepler Mutsy and Lucy Toffee Charcoal Lexis Kevin vs Spray Bottle Fundy Coco Gigi Tootsie Churro MJ Teddy Eric likes sunbeams Sophie “owns” the table Apollo Bilbo Baggins Cinnamon in Doggles Clover Cody Nami Oliver Rima Tucker D. Tucker T. enjoys fish! Kevin is tired… Lulu hangs in the office Rosie Roxy Ryker -“Do I hafta…” Charlie Ella Laila with Doggles Zorro – miss ya, buddy Marley Ozzie Molly Cinnamon and Raffi full speed! Emma – who can resist?? Sabina – miss you, sweet girl Oscar Ava Midas Stanley Daisy Java in her Doggles Vesta Kobe Eddi Tosh Oakley Chewy Cassandra Lucky Trevor Lucas Puss and Paris Quincy Beau knows where the treats are Cypher